
Showing posts from March, 2024

Capital: Case study

Reviews and features Read the following review and feature on  Capital : Guardian review by Sam Wollaston London Evening Standard: five things you need to know about  Capital 1) What positive points does the review pick out about  Capital ?  What criticisms are made - either of the TV drama or the original novel? -The cast is brilliant-as they portray London and the people's lives in a short span of time correctly. 2) What references can you find in the reviews and feature to the idea Capital is a 'state-of-the-nation' drama? How does it capture modern-day London? -Modern day London has an increase of immigrants because of various reasons like work or war and Capital has portrayed this perfectly. 1) How does the drama use camerawork to capture London life? -In the trailer, medium close up shots and close ups are used to show the variety of people and lives in London.  2) How does the trailer introduce the different narrative strands suggesting tension or enigma in the 40-se

Marxism & hegemony

  Marxism & hegemony: blog tasks Task 1: Mail Online review of Capital 1) Re-read the  Mail Online review of  Capital . Why does it suggest that  Capital  features a left-wing ideology? -It suggests Capital features left wing ideology because it is showing immigrants in a positive way. 2) Choose  three  quotes from the review that are particularly critical of  Capital  and paste them into your blogpost. Do you agree with the criticisms? Why? -"The hardest worker on the street was an illegal immigrant, determined to pay her way and not touch a penny of benefits." This shows that immigrants are hard working people that are determined to make their future better, as they were not given everything easily at some point in their lives, they have to work hard to earn what they want. -" 'The last 20 minutes contained no plot. Whatever story there had ever been was over." Not much was revealed towards the ending leaving the audience to question the true ending. 3) Wh