Film Industry assessment learner response
1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).
-EBI:-Basic errors and unclear points throughout in the easiest assessment to revise for (only one CSP and one key concept-industries).Some serious work required in future.
2) Read the mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Write down the number of marks you achieved for the three questions: If you didn't achieve full marks in a question, write a bullet point on what you may have missed.
-1/3; 3/6; 4/9.
3) For Question 2 on the promotion of Blinded By The Light, use the mark scheme to identify at least one strategy used to promote the film that you didn't mention in your answer and why it was used. The key lesson from this question was to make specific reference to the CSP in your answer and ensure each explanation was different.
-Social Media: blinded by the light could use social media to make the younger generation know about the film and when it would have come out.
4) Now look at Question 3 - focusing on Hesmondhalgh's point that making media products is a 'risky business'. Write three bullet points from the mark scheme that you could have added to your answer. Try and include a specific reference to the CSP where you can and ensure you understand the key contexts to Hesmondhalgh's quote. Additional reference to Hesmondhalgh's ideas would help here too - you may want to look back at our work on Hesmondhalgh and the Cultural Industries.
4) Now look at Question 3 - focusing on Hesmondhalgh's point that making media products is a 'risky business'. Write three bullet points from the mark scheme that you could have added to your answer. Try and include a specific reference to the CSP where you can and ensure you understand the key contexts to Hesmondhalgh's quote. Additional reference to Hesmondhalgh's ideas would help here too - you may want to look back at our work on Hesmondhalgh and the Cultural Industries.
-Blinded By The Light cost $15 million to make but there was only $18 million made in the box office and after all the expense were made they were only left with $3 million in profit.the movie made a huge loss mainly because the film yesterday was also released at he same time and this gained all the attention and was the movie that got famous.
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