'Preliminary exercise learner response

 1) Type up your teacher's feedback in full plus a summary of the comments you received from other students in the class.


-Lots to credit here – the black and white works perfectly and the initial lip synching to the diary is brilliant. There is the basis for an excellent video here.

-Opening shot has bins very prominent! The black and white does hide it a little but maybe cut in slightly later?

-The biggest issue is that editing effectively stops once the diary shot begins – that must be on screen for almost 30 seconds? A music video (even for a slow song) still needs to maintain a sense of pace or movement.

-You will need another scene / location / performance element for the full video. 

-Needed brand identity of your artist in there – that was part of the brief for the preliminary exercise.


-Love the match on action
-Nice monochrome
-Good angles
-Good colour scheme
-Good use of zoom on shoe sponsorship
-Interesting concept
-Good lip syncing 

-Not many shots
-A bit dark to see
-More use of location
-Sponsorship brand wasn't very clear

2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and the feedback you were given, write three WWW bullet points and three EBI bullet points for your work.

-WWW: The monochrome colour schemes was used in a good way and fit the song.
-EBI: There should have been a more variety of different type of camera shots.

3) How effectively did you complete the objective you laid out in your mini preliminary exercise statement of intent?

-I think I did it to the best of my abilities but i should have included the shoe sponsorship logo along side my brand identity.

4) What have you learned from the preliminary exercise that will help you in the actual coursework project?

-I have learnt that a shot in a music video shouldn't be more then 30 seconds long and i can use this to improve my music video for the final one.This will help to make my music video to meet the brief,which will ultimately help me to achieve a better overall grade. 

5) Now you have completed the preliminary exercise, will you change anything about your actual coursework video plan? This could include your concept, cast/actors or technical elements such as mise-en-scene, camerawork or editing.

-I can make sure that my visuals in the music video match the lyrics as best as i can,for example there is a part in my music video preliminary task towards the end where Adele is speaking and i should try to make sure I am using my actor to also talk and not make any mistakes. 


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